Elder Financial Protection: Protecting your business from fraud Hi. Good afternoon. Thank you, Courtney. And hello. My name is Brett Frederick, and it is my pleasure to present to you today. I'm with the U.S. Bank Enterprise Fraud Risk Management Group. And amongst my many responsibilities related to the management of fraud risk, elder financial exploitation is a key focus of mine at the bank. Erin, would you like introduce yourself? Yes. Thank you so much. Hi, everyone. I'm Erin Scheithe, and I work in the Office for Older Americans at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB. We create resources to help people achieve and/or maintain financial well-being as they age. The CFPB is a fairly new federal agency with a mission to make markets safe for consumer and financial products and services work for everyone, and we were created shortly after the 2008-2009 recession. And thanks again for having me. Looking forward to sharing some resources. And good afternoon or good morning, everyone, depending on where you are. Jay Haapala with AARP. And we're a membership association that has 37 million Americans over the age of 50. Right now, in the face of this pandemic, we're focused on providing people with advocacy, information, and resources that help them stay safe and healthy, and also cope with the financial disruptions that we're facing. Certainly including financial fraud, which there is an increase right now. Great. Thank you, Erin and Jay, and welcome. All right. The next slide here, the agenda. I'd like to start with a question, actually. And basically, why are we here today? And what role do banks, the industry, and regulatory partners play to help prevent financial exploitation of our customers, and particularly older adults? Statistics vary, because many cases go unreported. But there are reports that show a grim number in upwards of tens of millions of older people in our society are taking advantage of financially each year. And a significant number of those are also mentally and physically abused as well. We're here to help you stay safe from financial fraud, especially during times of uncertainty. We'll start off by discussing the most common types of scams, along with helpful tips, as well as benefits of U.S. Banks shared access service. And finally, a question and answer session. OK. Next slide here. I want to provide some insight to help you understand and stay safe from financial fraud, especially during COVID-19. Stay at home orders, since they began and now loosening, many of you have come to find that online and mobile banking have never been so simple and secure. And now for many people just like you, it's become their main form of banking. Banking from anywhere truly allows you to virtually conduct all of your banking needs online through your computer or your mobile device. Everyday financial activities, such as making a deposit like your government Economic Impact Payments or EIP check, paying bills through U.S. Bank bill pay, and even sending money electronically to close friends and family members through Zelle, for example, can be accomplished online and from your cell phone. Taking a step back, the current financial environment shaped by COVID-19 has created uncertainty and fear for a lot of people, including many on this call. Loss of income from market decline and unemployment, along with social isolation, have people on edge, especially if you're on a fixed budget as many of us are. Stimulus checks, or the Economic Impact Payments, have helped several of you that are on fixed incomes, which have also created an influx of availability or liquid funds or cash for many others that are also represented here on the call today. All these factors create a feeding ground or potential feeding ground for scam artists to prey on unwitting victims. Bad actors will use scare tactics, urgency, deceit, trickery to open a potential door with you, gaining access to your account or personal information. Real quick. So for more helpful information and resources, you can visit usbank.com via the U.S. Bank COVID splash page. So this next slide here, I'm going to turn the mic over here to Jay to help us understand on a deeper level what scammers are really after. Jay? Yeah. Thanks, Brett. So in normal times and continuing now, AARP runs a program called the Fraud Watch Network. And that is a nationwide call center and a website where people can get information about scams. But it's also a great way for us to listen and learn and understand how Americans are being targeted by scams, and really to understand what these criminals are after. So it's pretty obvious, I guess, that they are looking for your money. They would love to convince their victims to send cash, to buy gift cards and hand over the information from gift cards, to send wire transfers, and even to take credit card or debit card payments fraudulently. So that's obvious, but they're also looking to steal people's personally identifiable information, such as their name and their date of birth, and their social security number so that an identity thief could impersonate their victim and perhaps access credit in their name. They're also targeting our technology devices, whether it's a smart phone, or a personal computer, a tablet. And they try to convince their victims to upload malware or computer viruses that could give the criminals access to more of that personal information. Or perhaps, even use that device and that connection to impersonate their victim, and thereby be able to defraud other people anonymously. But there's more that these scammers are after. They also are trying to gain access to their victims' accounts. And you can imagine what kind of damage could be done if someone else with bad intentions had access to your bank account online. But also, it's valuable to scammers to gain access to other kinds of online accounts, such as social media accounts, email accounts, just about anything that has a password attached to it. Of course, it's important for all of us to keep our devices secure and to keep those passwords private. But the scammers have ways to convince their victims to hand over that important information. And there's a fifth category I'll briefly highlight. There are some scammers who specialize in collecting other kinds of information about their victims for the purpose of selling it, such as what kind of websites people visit, what the business is they do business with, and their other tendencies online. So it was just a good place to start and set the context for what these scammers are after from money to information to access to devices. Thank you, Jay. A lot of very helpful information. So this next slide here, there are quite a few types of scams out there and can be a bit overwhelming. But for many of us on this call, we're going to help to work through some of the most common types that are out there. So I'm going to pass the mic over to Erin. But now that we understand the motives and what are some of the most-- just finding out what some of those popular types of scams are today, and what makes them so effective, and how our listeners can protect themselves. Erin? Yeah. Thank you so much, Brett. The first two on the list are very similar, a person in need scam and a grandparent scam. And maybe some of you have heard of these. These types of scams happen when a fraudster calls or emails or even texts you, sends you a social media message, and pretends to be your grandchild, relative, or friend. Often, they claim to be in trouble. They might say they're in jail, stranded in a foreign country. But wherever they say they are or whatever trouble they are in, they need money right away. So they usually would beg you to keep their call a secret and really ask you to act fast before you have time to even question if they're really the person they claim to be. So one other thing I want to mention is they might find out your grandchild's name, or a friend's name from social media messages, or from doing an internet search on you. And it's nothing that you've done wrong there. But make sure that you think before you act. So don't send money unless you're sure it's the real person who contacted you. Hang up and call your grandchild or maybe your adult child, their parent. Call your friend's phone number. See if the story checks out. You could also call, like I said, a different friend or relative to confirm the facts. Another thing to think about is, is this person asking for gift cards? This is a sign that it's probably a scam. Because when someone's really in need, a gift card to iTunes or Amazon or Target will not help. And then we've heard that people are changing the scam slightly to prey on people's fears about a loved one being sick during this coronavirus time as well. So be aware of that. And a fake charity scam is next on the list. That's when a thief poses as a real charity or makes up the name of a charity that sounds just like or it sounds real enough, and they're trying to get money from you that way, trying to take advantage of your generosity or maybe your emotion that you feel when someone's been affected by a certain illness, or disease, or a natural disaster like a hurricane or a flood. So in this case, you would want to ask for detailed information about the charity, including their address and phone number, and look it up to confirm the charity is real. You can look it up through the Better Business Bureau. Often, a Google search will work well. And be wary if you get a call or another message that's following up on a donation pledge that you do not remember making. That they call and say, hey. You pledged $50 a couple months ago, and we're calling now to get that payment, and you don't remember it, hang up. And, again, we've heard that people are changing the scam to take advantage of the coronavirus, asking for donations to charities that could assist people who are affected by the disease. These charities may or may not exist. And, again, the person could be using the real name of a charity but taking the money. So just be very careful when you are contacted by someone you don't know. And I think that Jay is going to take over the next couple of scams. Yeah. Thanks, Erin. And it's such good information that you're monitoring with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And it just strikes me every time we do these presentations that it's a shame that scammers would get in the way of charities and these other crisis situations that we're facing. But that's just the world that we live in today. And we're focused here on everyday scams. These have existed for years, and now they just have greater power because of the crisis situation we're living in that Brett described. But I'll take it up with romance scams. More and more people are dating online than ever before. And, in fact, some of the AARP's research really shows that among older people, they are embracing online dating as well. And before we had rules in place for social distancing, people might have been going out on dates in person on Friday night. But that is not advisable to be meeting up with strangers and people outside of your household anymore, so more people are dating online. And there are imposters on romance web sites, on dating web sites. I met one woman in person years ago, and she told us how she had created an online dating profile. And she was jumping in with both feet and just going for this new online dating thing. But she said as soon as she put her picture up there and started getting messages through the website, she told me, you would not believe how many very wealthy international oil investors want to take me out on a date. And those are just impostors trying to catch her attention. One real important red flag to look for on dating web sites is if the person wants right away to start communicating outside of the website. That's a big red flag, because the dating web sites are monitoring those communications to an extent to make sure people aren't getting scammed on their website. Right now, next on your computer screen, you see that I want to talk about pet scams. And that really does mean dogs and cats. If you're like me, you probably know someone, since we all started staying at home, that brought a new pet home, whether that's because they have the time at home to take care of a new puppy or a kitty, or also they just want to have some extra comfort at home. And there are just fake postings of pets for sale. And the scammers create a sense of urgency that if you don't put-- if the victim doesn't put in their deposit right away, they're going to miss out on this special dog breed that's only available right now to the highest bidder. And the pet doesn't even exist. It's just a picture and these scammers are collecting payments. So the best advice is just really avoid buying a pet or a lot of other items you might find on the internet sight unseen. And if the seller tries to create this sense of urgency that if you don't act now, you're going to miss out, it's likely a scam or just something that you might have to pass up on because it's a risky proposition. Next on my list are work from home scams. I'm working from home myself today. A lot of us are. A lot of first responders are out there, taking greater risks and not working from home. But there are plenty of us working from home, and there are many people who have lost their job. So scammers know that work from home type of scams are going to be especially attractive to a lot of people right now. Some of them are just quite silly. I received two texts on my cell phone. One of them said I could make $400 a week by putting some decals on my car. And for someone who lost their job that might sound like some pretty good income, but it's a scam. The way the scam works is that someone who was interested and thought this might be a good idea, they'd be asked and required to send an advance payment to pay for the cost of the decals before they could receive them. And then, of course, the decals would never arrive and their money would be gone. Another more sinister, I think, work from home scheme has to do with what we call money mules. So people are convinced and they apply for these work from home jobs. But when they finally get the details of what their job would be and they start to get their training on how to do it, it turns out that their job is going to be to process payments that are coming from other sources. And they are told they need to process these payments through their own bank account. Plus, they are told they get to keep some of the money. So imagine these $1,000 payments, $2,000 payments coming to scam victims from all over the country or perhaps across the world. And their job is to send them on from their own bank account and process wire transfers or buy gift cards with these funds, but they get to keep some of the money. And where that money is coming from is other scam victims. So the scammers who are pulling the strings are victimizing people all over the place, and they're laundering money through these other well-meaning persons bank accounts. So it's quite sinister and complicated. And it makes it nearly impossible for fraud investigators like Brett or for law enforcement officials to trace those transactions. And that's how the scammers stay under the radar. Finally on my list of these everyday scams, right now there is a pretty widespread extortion scam being distributed. And it's not even tricky. They don't try to hide anything. What they tell their victims is that they have evidence from their computer that they've been visiting adult pornographic websites. And if they don't pay up, then the scammers are going to release this evidence to their family and friends. And it's even more convincing, because what the scammers have in this case is old passwords and personal information that they obtained through a data breach elsewhere. So that personal information and old passwords have nothing to do with the victim's access to their computer. So the scammers don't have access to any records or access to their computer. They're just using that old information to make it seem more real. And many people are just deciding to pay up instead of risk having their privacy shared in that way. So, again, everyday scams that have more power now because we're all in a heightened sense of emotion due to the pandemic. Great information. Thank you for sharing, both of you. Very helpful for all of you, the callers, today. And I guess, Erin and Jay, now that we have a better understanding about everyday types of scams, I think there's a host of scams related to COVID-19 specifically that are popping up more today, developing due to the pandemic. Would you mind maybe discussing what those scams are and the specifics around those to our callers? Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, we mentioned a couple of these common scams are just now getting a little bit of editing. Of course, scammers are smart. We wish they would use that smart-- those smarts for good instead of for scamming. But they're smart enough to be able to change just a few different details of the scams to make them related to the coronavirus. But scammers could also try to sell you a phony cure, a test, a vaccine, or some kind of treatment. And so if there's a miracle cure or vaccine for the coronavirus, wouldn't you hear about it on the news first rather than in a phone call or an email or a text message or even an ad online from a stranger? So definitely think about that. And the Federal Trade Commission has really been cracking down on a lot of these companies, who may be legitimate companies, who are selling their supplements or other things as a way to try to scam people into thinking that they will help with coronavirus. Scammers could also offer to help people out who haven't felt comfortable venturing out in public yet. So if you are sticking close to home still, as I hope that everyone is and staying safe, make sure that you're getting your groceries or your prescriptions or other supplies delivered by a reputable company. Go straight to the grocery store instead of hiring a third party maybe. Or ask a friend or family member whom you trust. Be wary of people you don't know who are offering to help right now. They could be really nice, sweet neighbors, or they could be fraudsters. So I think just acting with a little suspicion right now is a good idea. And Jay, you've got a couple thoughts as well. Yes, I do. There's been a real increase, and like Erin said, the Federal Trade Commission has been, along with, say, state attorney general's offices, have been cracking down on these impostor web sites that are selling toiletries and necessities. And they're just fake web sites that will collect personal information, payment methods, collect payment, and then the toiletries don't show up. The hand sanitizer that everyone is in demand of doesn't show up. But it's not only limited to those kind of necessities that have been in short supply, but clothing and children's toys and other consumer goods are good enough for the scammers to catch people's attention and get them to click on these web sites. I think for a lot of us, we're spending more time online than we used to. Perhaps even the prospect of participating in a webinar on a Monday afternoon is not something you would do in the past, but here we are in a new time. And so we're-- many of us are online more than we used to be. And while the investigators are cracking down on these imposter web sites, it's sort of like playing whack-a-mole. Because they will, oftentimes, especially from different countries around the world, they'll just set up new web sites and new URLs to collect those payments. And then next on the list here just has to do with Economic Impact Payments. So people have been receiving their stimulus checks and direct deposits. But now we know that four million Americans are receiving those payments in the form of debit cards, and there's been a lot of confusion around that fact. Many people who have received them did not expect to receive a debit card coming to their mailbox. But in truth, that's the way some 4 million-- and that's about 2% of the payments are being processed. So be on the lookout if you haven't received your Economic Impact Payment yet. It's likely coming in the form of a debit card. And there is plenty of information with the IRS on how you can verify that, but don't automatically throw it away or recycle it or shred it up. And there's just one quick on the list-- or that's not on the list I wanted to highlight. We've started to see contact tracing scams. So people are receiving text messages that state, someone you know has been infected with the coronavirus, and we need to ask you some questions. Click on this link. And that link could be an attempt to collect personal information from you. It could be a way that you upload a virus or malware to your device or computer. And the best advice we have is really to contact your county or state health department to verify their procedures for contact tracing. It's an important step for us to fight the virus, but unfortunately the scammers have gotten involved and they're sending fake messages about contact tracing. So be cautious and verify those requests. Thanks, Erin and Jay. A lot of valuable information there for our callers. This next slide, so now that we have a greater understanding about the motivators and the types of scams out there, the most common types that have been around for quite a while and obviously the ones that are popping up more now related to COVID-19, how can our listeners specifically protect themselves and the ones they love? Well, I think I was going to cover some of this. And a lot of what you see on your screen about guarding yourself and watching for clues, protecting your identity and giving assistance, has to do with reducing risk for fraud. And I would just highlight three steps that are important to me. And instead, they're focused on how we all can limit our liability for fraudulent activity and losses due to fraud. And the first of those steps is on your screen. It's monitoring your financial account. So as consumers in the United States of America, our job is to monitor the financial accounts to hold our money and our credit. And if we notice fraudulent activity, our job is to report it to the financial institution and get their help to stop the fraud and also investigate. So that's number one, monitor and report fraud. Number two is to check your credit report periodically. In normal times, you can check your credit report for free three times a year. Right now, I understand that we have access to check our credit report more frequently. But nevertheless, if you haven't checked your credit report in a while, today could be a good day to do that. The website is annualcreditreport.com. Annualcreditreport.com. Don't just do a Google search or a web search for free credit report, because you'll find a lot of imposter web sites that just want to collect your personal information. So its annualcreditreport.com, and that's how you would be alerted if someone else had used your identity to open up a financial account in your name. And the third step that I recommend for people to eliminate and reduce their liability for fraudulent activity is always to make payments in-- through the banking system where you have consumer protections and a paper trail. So the scammers want to be paid by cash. They want to be paid by gift cards, and they want to be paid by wire transfer. Because those methods of payment are largely anonymous and very difficult, if not impossible, to trace. Instead, I recommend that folks, when they can, always pay with debit card, credit card, automatic bill pay, and personal checks. And that's where you have consumer protections. So, again, monitor your accounts. Check your credit, and pay through the banking system where you're protected. Thanks, Jay. So on this slide, I'd like to talk a little bit about shared access. And specifically, in times where we find ourselves more isolated, that potentially creates an in with bad guys when you least expect it. So having someone you personally know and trust help you to monitor your finances can be a wonderful safety net in times of need. So providing our customers, many of you on the call here today, with convenient tools to help you digitally monitor and manage your finances is a priority here at U.S. Bank. And one such feature that we provide that can help you accomplish this is called Shared Access. Shared Access lets you grant trusted individuals limited access to your account simply through your online or mobile application interfaces. So it's important to know also that Shared Access users receive their own user name and password, so you don't need or have to share your own log in credentials. Some of the basic features of Shared Access include things like adding and remove Shared Access users. Choose the accounts users can access. They can access-- they can provide access to one account or multiple accounts. You can grant view only access. Again, view only access, depending on the account type. And you can manage users' access at anytime. This is a free service. How does this help from a fraud prevention perspective, many of you might be thinking. So adding a trusted Shared Access user can help you prevent fraud in many ways. Adding a user can increase opportunities to help you identify a suspicious account activity, such as-- one example here are unrecognized funds leaving your accounts. So money leaving your account, which could be a sign of an account takeover situation. Or another would be unrecognized deposits or credits into your account, which could be a sign of money mule activity, which Jay explained earlier. So as a prime example of how you can use Shared Access, you can grant access to a trusted family member, which would allow them to view some basic account activity to help monitor your accounts for unusual transactions and potentially stop a fraud. Granting a user Shared Access to your accounts does not give them full rights to your account like adding a signer would. But it does allow things, like I said earlier, view only access, which can be a great tool to help stop fraud. And for more information and to enroll in Shared Access, simply enough, select Manage Accounts while in your mobile banking device. So it's Manage Accounts while in mobile banking, or manage Shared Access. Again, it's Manage Shared Access, and that would be on the left hand side while in online banking on your computer. And as always, you can reach out to a banker at anytime for assistance. OK. So before we wrap it up here or conclude, I'd like to wrap it up actually with a-- I'd like to provide some answers to some fantastic questions that many of you submitted prior to this call right now. But if you do have further questions, please set up time with your banker by visiting usbank.com to help check your local branch lobby availability in hours. You can also use usbank.com/book. Again, its usbank.com/book to connect with your banker. We received questions related to the safety of digital banking. So I'll start off with that one, and one's like, how safe are online bank-- online payments, and should I worry about changing my log in credentials. Well, I can personally say it's very, very safe. And I like to start off by saying at U.S. Bank, we are-- we have dedicated teams. And we're always on guard to anticipate and address to help prevent security threats. We encrypt your confidential banking data to protect in route to and from our servers. We monitor payment channels and the web for suspicious transactions to identify potential fraud threats. U.S. Bank systems will automatically log you out of U.S. Bank online banking-- again, that's online banking-- after 15 minutes of inactivity. This time to log off reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your account from your computer. And then similarly but for U.S. Bank's mobile applications, like smartphones, iPads, and other mobile devices, will log you out after five minutes of inactivity. And that shortened log off period helps reduce the risk from, say, unauthorized access to your accounts, account or accounts, if your mobile device is lost or stolen. Finally, we offer online risk-free guarantees. You can read up on that at usbank.com as well. And we're also obviously FDIC and FDIC insured for added security. So I'll wrap it up with robust identification, and-- which we do provide in online and mobile banking, as well as authentication controls. You can feel safe to connect-- or conduct, excuse me, a wide variety of your banking activities online or on your mobile device. As I said, I certainly do myself. So I'd like to actually pass along here next to Erin or Jay. Would you like to answer a few questions for our callers as well? Yeah, absolutely. I think I can go next. I've got a couple of them that we looked at before. One of the questions was, how do I know that invitations to things like this webinar are legitimate? Or what's the easiest way to recognize statements in an email or on a website to recognize that this is a scam? So I think this person raises a really good point. It can be really hard to tell whether something is legitimate or not, whether it's a scam or a regular email. So just read information carefully. Look for typos or misspellings. Make sure that you look at the email address of the sender to make sure that it's what you expect. For example, if your bank is going to be sending you an email, it would come from your bank and probably not include a million different letters and numbers and have the bank's website spelled wrong. So if the domain is-- they'll change one or a few letters. So if the domain that you think an email is coming from should be consumerfinance.gov, they might change it to consumerfinancial.gov or consumerfinance.com. So little changes like that could signal a scam. Instead of clicking on links in emails, make sure you go to the website that you know is correct instead. So that could be looking on the back of your debit or credit card to make sure you're going to the right bank web address. And you can take a look for the padlock in the address bar of your web browser. So if you're using Chrome or Internet Explorer, make sure there's a little lock symbol and an HTTPS and that shows it's a secure URL. Of course, that's-- those are just a couple of tips. And I would just say that you should really use a lot of caution and make sure that you are treating your personal information as such. Personal information that should be kept private. Jay, do you have a question that you'd like to answer? Yes. One of the common questions that came through in advance of the session here was about antivirus software and what kind of products I recommended. And none of us here can recommend a specific product. I do suggest people take a look at Consumer Reports or some of the other tech industry magazines to get comparisons of different antivirus software. And also, recognize that if you purchase a new computer or a device that it does come loaded with state-of-the-art antivirus software. It's something that you pay for as part of the package with the hardware and the software that you're purchasing. However, where people make the mistake is that they don't run the updates that are necessary. Those software products are updated to recognize new code as the scammers are developing new viruses and malware. And so it's important to run those updates to stay ahead of the bad guys who are writing new ways to attack our devices. And another common question then similarly was about identity theft protection services. You can pay a monthly fee, or there are even some free products that help you monitor your identity and your accounts. And that's-- I phrase that specifically that they help you monitor. None of these services or products are doing anything that you couldn't do for yourself. I say it's a lot like going to the garage where you live to get an oil change and paying them to change your oil. And then there are some people who are capable and know how to change their oil themselves. So these services don't do anything you couldn't do for yourself, but it's convenient. It could be really helpful to you to get an email or text anytime someone uses your bank account or your credit card. It could be-- if someone's trying to open up credit in your name, it's a convenience that you could pay for to be notified if someone was trying to use your identity. So it can be helpful, but in a lot of cases, it comes with a cost. Great. Thank you, Erin and Jay. Oh, I've got one more I think that might be important to share, if that's OK. Absolutely. Yes, please. Someone asked, what do we do if we know the person who's stealing from us? So instead of this anonymous scammer who is out there and you don't know them, what if it's someone you do know, like a relative or friend? If a crime was committed, we really encourage people to call local law enforcement and your local adult protective services. And you can go to eldercare.acl.gov, G-O-V, or just Google adult protective services to be able to find someone. You might also want to speak with your banker or with a lawyer. There are free ways to get legal help if you meet certain conditions. So definitely consider those two. The last question that I think might be worth sharing is-- and this is a good one that's come up-- is how do you convince someone that emails telling them that they'll win huge sums of money are nothing more than a big scam? Baby boomers and others tend to believe that everyone is telling the truth. I do agree that older adults are sometimes more trusting and polite than other segments of our population. A couple important things to remember is that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I think we all dream of the day when we get a phone call that says we've won the lottery or won a sweepstakes. But if you did not enter a lottery or sweepstakes, you probably could not win. And then the most important thing that I would ask all of us to do, including myself, is the more we talk about these types of things with friends and relatives, it'll be easier for us to recognize them. So if you, having been on this webinar, talk to a couple of friends and talk to some family members, they might learn about some of these that they didn't know about before. The more we discuss them, the less embarrassed people will be to admit that they fell for them or almost fell for them. So let's change some of these conversations to, I almost fell for them, instead of I did. You have great information, and that goes back to trust your gut and feel free to talk it over with trusted friends and family members. So on this slide, it's showing some additional resources here. So these are examples of some helpful training materials, again, resources provided by U.S. Bank as well as our friends at the CFPB and AARP. Hyperlinks to the resources will be available via our-- through our Financial IQ. Again, that's Financial IQ. It's a page within usbank.com. So, again, this is being recorded as well, so you'll be able to reference this webinar at any time. So thank you, again, for all joining the webinar. And Courtney, do we have some closing remarks? Yes. Thank you everybody for change today's call. This concludes our recording session. As Brett mentioned, we will be posting the recording to usbank.com/financialiq. Thank you and have a wonderful day.